Arterial line pada umumnya di pakai pada perawatan pasien critical di intensive care unit yang di gunakan untuk memantau tekanan darah secara komprehensive. Ini di gunakan terhadap pasien yang terutama hypotensive ataupun hypertensive sehingga memerlukan obat2 secara intravenous untuk mengontrol tekanan darah hingga dalam batas normal atau sesuai dgn yang di inginkan. Disamping itu arterial line juga di gunakan untuk pengambilan darah sampling terutama blood gas analisa. Dan hal yang paling penting untuk di perhatikan bahwa line ini bukan untuk medication karena ada pengalaman bahwa ada yang memberikan obat melalui art. line.
Memasang arterial line menjadi tugas medical officers tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan juga seorang clinical nurse support dapat melakukannya setelah mengikuti bebagai course terlebih dahulu. Dan seharusnya dalam pemasangan arterial line dibutuhkan minimal 2 orang dalam melakukannya. Seorang medical officer yang melakukan insertion sedangkan 1 Registered nurse yang bepengalaman ICU menyiapkan hal2 yang diantaranya tranducer, pressure bag, fluid, arterial board, tape, dressing dan keperluan2 lain.
Hal2 yang penting dalam perawatan arterial line ;
- Arterial dressing harus di ganti minimal 2 hari sekali oleh 2 RN kalau posisi atau kondisi dressing berubah sehingga mempengaruhi hasil bacaan di monitor.
- Harus di lakukan zeroing setiap minimal satu shif sekali atau kalau di perlukan
- Check peripheral perfused sekitar tempat insertion site terhadap kemungkinan adanya komplikasi.
- Pressure bag harus memberikan tekanan 300 mmHg untuk tetap memberikan 3 mls/hour flushing melalui artetial line.
- Perhatikan trace terhadap adanya overdamping atau underdamping yang sanagt mempengaruhi hasil di layar monitor terutama hasil SBP ( systolic blood pressure), DBP dan MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure.
Why does a patient need an arterial line?
Critically ill or injured patients frequently have profound abnormalities in their blood pressure. The arterial line provides a way to constantly measure a patient's blood pressure and may be essential to the stabilization of the patient. Arterial lines may be useful in patients with very high or low blood pressures. The arterial line also provides access for frequent blood sampling. Blood can be withdrawn from the patient through the arterial line tubing without having to use a needle for each blood draw.
How is an arterial line inserted?
Arterial lines may be inserted in the wrist (radial artery), armpit (axillary artery), groin (femoral artery), or foot (pedal artery). The arterial line is inserted into the artery by the same technique used to insert a regular peripheral IV. The arterial line is usually sutured (sewed) to the overlying skin to assure that it remains in the artery. An arterial line insertion causes the similar discomfort to that associated with the insertion of a regular peripheral IV. The arterial line tubing is connected to the bedside monitor, where the patient's blood pressure is constantly displayed.
How long is an arterial line used?
Typically, an arterial line is required for a short period of time. If the information from the arterial line is required for more than five to seven days, a new arterial line may be required. Are there any potential complications associated with use of an arterial line? The major complications associated with the arterial line are bleeding, infection, and rarely, a lack of blood flow to the tissue supplied by the artery.
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