Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mengkaji dan Membedakan Chest Pain

Assessment Of Chest Pain/ Nyeri Dada By using PQRST ;

P -Precipitates/ Provokes

what preceded or provoked the pain?

what was the patient doing?

what makes the pain better or worse?

Q -Quality and Associated symptoms

is the pain contan, intermittent, sharp, dull stabbing,crushing or burning?

what other symptomps are present?

R -Region/Radiation

Where is the pain?

Does it radiate to one or more places?

Any physical characteristics that accompany patient's verbal description?

S -Severity

How severe is the pain, on a scale of 1 to 10?

Have you ever had similar pain?

Was it more or less severe than this episode?

T -Time/ Duration of pain from onset

When did the pain start?

How long did it last?

What, if anything, makes the pain better or worse?

H -History

Ask the patient/family/significant other about

  • Medical history
  • curent medications

1 Comment:

Widodo Saputra said...

Blog yang bagus.
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